Took a ride on an 1880's steam engine train ride through the Black Hills National Forest from Hill City, SD to Keystone, SD and back again. It is a very scenic and pleasant ride as you steam through the hills and valleys at about 10 mph with open windows. We had gone on this train in 2010 and it was just as fun, pleasant, relaxing as it was then. Some folks still live in the National Park as they had a claim to the land in the 1800's and could keep or sell the land they had. Hence the pictures of some of the houses. The amazing part is when there is a house and next to it a huge rock that seems to jet right out of the ground. The other notable thing is that there are small, clear water streams everywhere. Pretty much everyone living here has a stream on their property. The pictures do not do the views any justice as the views are majestic.
Buildings left over from the mining era of the late 1800's
Dennis, Myron and Karen...what are they looking at??
The Kennedy House that was used for a store and restaurant during the mining years
The mountain in the back is over 7,000 feet high. Pictures never seem to take in the real height.
This guy put rocks all around his house in case of a forest fire
The rocks seem to just jet out of the ground
Here's a meadow with green grass and this huge rock in the middle of it. You wonder how it got there.
Releasing the buildup of steam from the engine.
Love these streams!
Here we are arriving in Keystone, SD. They are moving the engine to the other end of the train so we can head back to Hill City.
Dennis is so relaxed!! haha
Have no idea what this is about???
Rocks in their backyard
Another old mine
Our return to Hill City
Hill City main street
Some neat art work.
Excellent food in this restaurant!
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